
A refereed proceedings will be published after the conference in the Electronic Supplement of the ANZIAM Journal.

The following instructions for preparation are as specified by the journal. Articles must be no longer than 10 A4 pages using 12 pt font and the article class in LaTeX. Detailed instructions are given in template.tex. It is recommended that you create and print off the pdf version of this file before editing it.

Authors who are ready to be submit their paper should follow the submission procedure as specified by the journal editor. Authors who are familiar with the procedure can login at

Instructions for preparation

The journal is typeset from LaTeX2e. If and when the article is accepted for publication the final source must be submitted to the editor who reserves the right to return to authors poorly presented material for appropriate revision, or even to reject a paper on TeXnical grounds.

A LaTeX template is provided with more detailed instructions covering not only how to use LaTeX to typeset the article, but also what information should be in the abstract and introduction, together with some hints for writing well. Download the template by clicking on the following link: template.tex. You should also follow a 63-point check list of "do's and dont's" in LaTeX typesetting that we insist upon.


The title should be a short and clear statement on what is achieved by the article. If the title is long, supply also a shortened version of the title not exceeding 40 characters for a running header.


An abstract not exceeding about 300 words must be included in the manuscript. Many browsers will only see the title and the abstract so these must be crafted with care. The abstract must be composed of a few succinct and plain sentences addressing:


Use the Introduction to summarise your research in more detail and to place it in the context of international work. Use as little technical language as possible. Elaborate on:


The manuscript must be typeset in the standard LaTeX article [12pt] style and page size. Standard sectioning, numbering, spacing and equation commands are to be used throughout. Avoid defining macro commands to replace or modify standard LaTeX or its packages. The use of forced spacing commands in the text is abhorred. Authors must use the label and ref commands to reference equations, sections, figures, etc.


Typeset using the bibitem and cite commands. As in the standard LaTeX bibliography style, references should be cited in the text by giving the appropriate number in square brackets, and the reference list should be in alphabetical order by name of the first author, preceded by a reference number in square brackets.

Also, to help connect the web of science and ensure maximum visibilty for your work, for each article in your references please provide where possible:


Figures may be typeset within a figure environment using either in the LaTeX picture environment, postscript, pdf or jpeg. Note that the page size of the electronic journal is A5 sized, so each figure should not be complicated. Please use colour appropriately in your figures.


The SI system of units should be used.


Appropriate hypertext links and references may be included using the standard hyperref package.

Special effects

Colour images, movies, sounds and executable demonstrations may be published with the manuscript at the discretion of the editors.


An index to terms occurring in the paper may be included, but only if constructed via the LaTeX index command.

Write well

I suggest you learn from these authors:


If approved for electronic publication, authors must assign copyright to the Australian Mathematical Society via a form which is not ready yet.

Last updated May 16, 2007